Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Little things finished recently

A few new masterpieces.
Well, at least they're relatively new and finished.
They are a lidded box (perhaps jewellery box), with a clock insert inside the lid. The idea seemed good at the time, and it worked OK, but I'm not sure how practical it is.
A sort of pocket watch - a prototype - which worked OK, an d I'll make a modified version later to make it more compact: a spinning top: a plain lidded bowl with contrasting timbers: and a music box in black wattle. The music movement is in the lid, and makes the lid too heavy to be practical. But the black wattle is pretty.
Come to think of it, no masterpieces among them at all. But enough progress to make me relatively satisfied.

all the best,

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Woodcraft and capitalism

A few weeks ago one of my correspondents, whilst on a tour of the winery's of the Adelaide southern vineyards, come across some woodturned pens, offered as a souvenir by a vintner, for $30.00. She was of course scandalised, knowing the modest price I put on my creations.

The price tag of $30 does provide a very substantial profit, and brought to mind a poor, grey-bearded, shortsighted woodturner, slaving over his lathe until late into the night, and getting but a pittance for his work, with the profit being picked up by the large winemaking corporation.

But that is the way capitalism works.

More recently still, I came across an ad for pens, made using jarrah (sorry, Jarrah) from a Perth WA cathedral, currently being refurbished. These pens are top of the line, a veritable Rolls Royce of pens. Each kit (i.e. the works of the pen) costs upward of $80. To that add the very little bit of historic jarrah, some work, some skill, some sandpaper and wood-finish, and Lo -
you have a pen worth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$495.00.

Christianity hasn't survived for 2,000 years without learning a thing or two!